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How to join the
Muncie Central High School
Alumni Association

If you are a Muncie Central graduate, you are eligible to be a member of the Muncie Central High School Alumni Association. You can buy any of the following annual memberships:

                                                –single, $15;

                                                –couple, $20;

                                                –family, $30


Individual life membership are available for $300, and a couple life membership is $450.






Donations are accepted from Alumni Association members, as well as others interested in supporting the success of Muncie Central High School and its students and teachers.


Categories for donations are student assistance, student scholarships, Harris-Jones Scholarship, teacher grants, general operations, Memorabilia Room and special projects.


Membership applications and donations may be mailed to:

                                     Linda Hollis, Treasurer

                                     MCHS Alumni Association

                                     6604 W. Talamore Court

                                     Yorktown, IN 47396


The Muncie Central High School Alumni Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations are tax deductible, according to state and federal laws.






The crest below is framed on the first floor of Muncie Central and is located between the administrative offices and student services office. It was a gift from the Class of 1990.

I'm a member because ...

Sally King Wetzel, '63, said, "I joined the MCHS Alumni Association to connect with past MCHS alumni and meet new alumni, to help strengthen learning opportunities for Muncie Central students, and support teachers and staff in developing each student's career and life skills at the secondary level. It is a great opportunity to say thank you for my excellent high school education and wonderful experiences in extracurricular activities, which have had a positive effect on my entire life."  



Sheryl Williams, '65, said, "I am a board
​member because I believe in continuing to promote Muncie Central through service. The organization provides students and teacher opportunities for achievement and assistance. I also love the fellowship with passionate alumni who hope to continue our Bearcat spirit. My vision is to help foster every graduate to join the Alumni Association. Together we can continue to expand the tradition and legacy of being a Bearcat.

Bill_MC Crest.jpg

Muncie Central Fight Song


Muncie Central, our Muncie Central

Muncie Central we're all for you.

We will fight for the cream and purple

and to no one will we give in

Rah! Rah!

Never daunted, we shall not falter.

In the battles we're tried and true.

Muncie Central, our Muncie Central,

Muncie Central, we're all for you!


Muncie Muncie, Central!

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