Engage with your Muncie Central
Alumni Association board members
Your board members
If you would like to run for a position on the Alumni Association board, contact Brad Polk, '83, bpolkdist4@gmail.com.
To serve on the board, you must be a member of the Alumni Association.
Terms concluding December 2026
Mike Dowd, '63, mbdowd@comcast.net
Dan Gibson, '00, gibson@delkmcnally.com
Linda Hollis, '64, ljhollis@comcast.net, Treasurer
Brad Polk, '83, bpolkdist4@gmail.com
Kay Rankin, '64, kayrteach@comcast.net
Ken Schuck, '62, kpschuck@crossmarshall.com, Distiinguished
Charlotte Shepperd, '64, charshep@comcast.net, Secretary
Joanie Taylor, '81, jtaylor@thrivecu.org
Sheryl Williams, '65, sherwilliams@att.net
Terms concluding December 2025
Forrest Bowers, '57
Steve Cartwright, '66, scartwright2@yahoo.com, Vice President
Tom Foote, '65, tomfoote@comcast.net
Teresa Jeter, '75, tmjeter@bsu.edu
Ana Quirk Hunter, '83, AQH2@comcast.net, Membership
Nora Niccum, '63, noraniccum@gmail.com, Immediate Past President
Clay Pendleton, '99, ClayPendleton@gmail.com
Amanda Rammel, '89, amandaErammel@gmail.com
DeWayne Richmond, '82, drichmond@shenandoah.k12.in.us
Lynn Thornburg, '64, lynn.thornburg@aol.com
Terms concluding December 2024
Tom Abrell, '85, abrell@comcast.net
Jason Burkhart, '92, jasonwburkhart@outlook.com
Larry Campbell, '54, campbell1322@att.net
Lisa Dalton Doan, '95, lizann5011@yahoo.com
Shoka Griffin, '92, blessedskoka@gmail.com
Jan Marsh, '63, ricepaddylady45@comcast.net
Bruce Munson, '70, bruce@brucemunson.com
Joan Scrivnor, '53, jscrivnor@hotmail.com
Sally Wetzel, '63, sjwetz@comcast.net, Website
David Wilson, '66, davedebwilson@comcast.net, President
Christopher Walker, principal, Muncie Central High School
Tom Raisor, '53
In memoriam
The Alumni Association pays tribute to those board members who have died, but who served their Alma Mater well.
Muncie Central is featured in the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts, because of its eight state championships prior to class basketball in Indiana.

Website suggestions?
Send suggestions and photos with explanatory information and identification of people in the photos to Sheryl Swingley, sswingley@bsu.edu. They will be considered for publication on the Muncie Central High School Alumni Association website. Please note that not all submissions will be published.
Alumni Association
Muncie Central High School
801 N. Walnut St.
Muncie, IN 47303
Phone number to come